
CARLOS LIMPIAS: “Bolivia presents unique opportunities to lead in sustainable practices”


Vesna Marinkovic U.

At Empacar, we implement energy-efficient technologies and optimize production processes to reduce our consumption...


11. What is Empacar's assessment of its "Carbon Zero" management during 2023?


Throughout this year, we have made significant strides in our "Carbon Zero" initiative. We have implemented key measures to reduce our emissions, ranging from process optimization to the adoption of cleaner technologies. These include:


• The installation of state-of-the-art machines in each of our plant units, enabling more efficient production processes.


• The expansion of an energy efficiency program through the acquisition of electric vehicles and forklifts. A designated space has also been created specifically for the charging station of these vehicles.


“At Empacar, we are committed to continuing to collaborate with authorities and other companies to drive positive changes that benefit both our business and the environment.”



2Being an industry linked to responsible emissions management and renewables, is it a quixotic task in a country like Bolivia?


It is a challenging but achievable task. At Empacar, we firmly believe in the positive impact we can have on our environment. Bolivia faces unique challenges, but it also presents singular opportunities to lead in sustainable practices. Environmental awareness is growing, and as an industry, we are committed to pioneering responsible emissions management and the adoption of renewable energies.


We are convinced that the energy transition is an opportunity for the sustainable development of our country. Therefore, we work tirelessly to encourage other industries to join in sustainability.


3Have new environmentally friendly packaging alternatives been the cornerstone of 2023?


Absolutely. In 2023, we concentrated our efforts on developing and adopting eco-friendly packaging alternatives. We introduced biodegradable and recyclable packaging. Among several new projects, we have developed a furniture line based on corrugated material. Furniture that can be used in private homes, businesses, companies, schools, institutions, and any space requiring furniture or decorative accessories. This year, we had the opportunity to set up the Sustainable Pavilion organized by Youth Company at the Expo Fair, which won the Golden Palm for the Sustainability concept. These initiatives are not only essential for the environment but also respond to the growing market demand for sustainable options.



Systems Engineer (TEC - Monterrrey, Mexico). He began his professional career in 2005 at Empacar, implementing a system that helped improve service quality. Later, he took on roles in operations and quickly rose to the position of production manager. In 2015, he assumed the role of general manager of the company, a position he currently holds.


4What is your evaluation of Empacar's energy expenditure during 2023?


Efficiently managing our energy expenditure was a key focus in 2023. At Empacar, we implemented energy-efficient technologies and optimized production processes to reduce our consumption.


5What are Empacar's achievements in terms of energy transition?


During this year, we made significant investments in transitioning to cleaner energy sources, such as our recent acquisition of 100% electric vehicles. Additionally, in a previous management, we incorporated solar panels at our facilities and explored agreements with cleaner energy providers.


6Is it possible to be an efficient, responsible, and successful company under the current Bolivian energy regulations?


Definitely possible. Energy regulations in Bolivia pose challenges, but they also provide opportunities for innovation and sustainable leadership. Empacar has demonstrated that we can be efficient, responsible, and successful within the current regulatory frameworks. However, it is necessary for companies to commit to sustainability and work to reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. At Empacar, we are committed to continuing to collaborate with authorities and other companies to drive positive changes that benefit both our business and the environment. With this comprehensive approach, Empacar has proven to be a benchmark in the industry, leading sustainable initiatives and paving the way for a cleaner and more responsible future in Bolivia."


"In 2023, we focused our efforts on developing and adopting eco-friendly packaging alternatives."



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